sabato 21 novembre 2009

Critiche americane alla «riabilitazione» di Stalin in Cina

Pubblichiamo un interessante resoconto sul dibattito cinese relativo alla sconfitta del campo socialista sovietico e sulle successive critiche di parte americana [SGA].

Chinese Analyses of Soviet Failure: The Party

China Brief Volume: 9 Issue: 23November 19, 2009
By: Arthur Waldron

When Westerners examine the events of 20 years ago that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union—or even when they try to look at how China may change in the years ahead—their approach is very different from that officially followed in China today. Westerners almost without exception look instinctively for deep trends and deep causes—such things as rising literacy, increasing social complexity, or ethnic problems. Chinese officialdom approaches the dissolution of the Soviet Union in quite a different way...

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