War and Revolution" (Verso) è la versione inglese del "Revisionismo storico" e del "Peccato originale del Novecento" [DL].
www.counterpunch.org, Weekend Edition March 27-29, 2015
www.counterpunch.org, Weekend Edition March 27-29, 2015
A Relentless Document
«War and Revolution. Rethinking the Twentieth Century» è un
libro implacabile. E' denso e sconcertante. E' per questo che dovrebbe essere
considerato uno dei più importanti libri di storia pubblicati dopo gli eventi
noti come "l'11 settembre". Dopo tutto, furono questi eventi che
ripresero il progetto già in corso a partire dalla fine degli anni 70
imprimendogli una folle accelerazione. Non a caso, da allora non c'è stato più
un giorno di pace. Questo fatto non è un accidente. Questa è l'essenza del
testo di Losurdo»
Rejecting Revisionist History
A popular understanding of history in today’s world involves
blaming the most radical revolutionaries of France in the late 18th
century and Russia in 1917 for many of the modern ills. This trend is
espoused in intellectual and popular culture and is the foundation on
which much of modern politics is based. For the wealthy and the
currently powerful, it is a self-serving and incredibly useful
understanding. Hence, any popular attempts to alter this view are
ruthlessly belittled and denied. It was exactly this that took place in
the 1960s and the 1970s when colonized peoples, young people, workers
and others reconsidered their role in history and took to the streets,
forever changing the political/cultural landscape we live in.
In the years since, however, it is the historical understanding that
serves the powerful that has been on the ascendant. Most commonly known
among historians as revisionism, this understanding not only blames
revolutionary forces for humanity’s murderous excesses, it also urges a
return to a semi-feudal situation that stratifies people in terms of
class, race and gender, allowing different levels of economic and
political freedom according to a hierarchy designed by those in power.
In effect, it wishes to legally create the political world already being
formed economically through neoliberalism.
Revisionism is a liberal approach to history. It equates the
colonialism, racism and anti-Semitism of Nazism with the anti-colonial,
anti-racist and liberationist foundations of communism...
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