lunedì 5 novembre 2012

Domenico Losurdo alla nona conferenza di Historical Materialism a Londra

Men make their own history, but they do
not make it as they please; they do not
make it under self-selected circumstances,
but under circumstances existing already,
given and transmitted from the past.
The tradition of all dead generations

weighs like a nightmare
on the brains of the living.
The HM 2012 Ninth Annual Conference 'Weighs Like a Nightmare' will take place in Central London, November 8th to November 11th
Il programma

Giovedì 8 novembre 2012

 B 15.45-17.30

Western Marxisms
Chair: Matteo Mandarini

Peter Thomas – Considerations on Contemporary Western Marxism

Domenico Losurdo – Western Marxism and Oriental Marxism: An Unfortunate Split

Frieder Otto Wolf – Why Marxism needs philosophy more than ever: Re-discovering Karl
Korsch’s ‘Marxism and Philosophy’

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