domenica 23 gennaio 2011

Cina e "diritti umani": una risposta a "Democracy Now!"

Ringraziamo Vladimiro Giacché per aver segnalato questa lettera [SGA].

Human Rights in China: A Response to Democracy Now
Posted by eruyle on January 21, 2011

China, Human Rights and the Role of Washington: Response to a Debate,
An Open Letter to Democracy Now!

Dear Democracy Now!
I have been a fan of Democracy Now since it’s inception, and I use it as a primary source of news. That’s why I have been consistently disappointed with your commentary on news about China. The latest example is your coverage of the visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao to the United States (China, Human Rights and the Role of Washington: A Debate, DN Jan 20, 2011)...

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Your attention, please. The link you mention is corrupted. It would be very good if you could provide us another one. The video of "Democracy Now" is here:
Thank you very much.

Domenico Losurdo ha detto...

Thank you...